Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Goin' To The Chapel

Scott-Modrell Marriage License

Jerry Eneau Modrell and Leona Frances Scott were married on June 12, 1954 in Raytown, Jackson County, Missouri.

Following is a rather long newspaper article that was cut from an unknown newspaper describing the wedding in great detail.  I will have to locate the newspaper so I can source this clipping.  It was given to me by an aunt (the wife of one of my mom’s brothers).  There are a lot of misspellings in this article and I will try to bracket [ ] those as much as possible.

            Miss Leona [Francis] Scott, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Scott of Buffalo, Mo., became the bride of Mr. Jerry Modrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Modrell, of Dearborn, Mo., June 12, 1954 at the First Christian Church in Raytown.  Large baskets of colorful [gladolius] and white carnations decorated the chancel.  Rev. [Canegy] read the impressive double ring ceremony in the presence of the immediate relatives and close friends.
            The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a white lace and net gown.  The lace fitted bodice had self covered tiny buttons down the front from a Peter Pan collar to the waist line.  She wore matching elbow length mitts.  The skirt was double net over white satin with lace incersion panels down each side.  Her illusion veil fell from a band of lace and seed pearls.  She carried a white Bible topped by a single Orchid, with white satin streamers.
            Mr. and Mrs. “Bud” Miller, close friends, attended the couple.  Mrs. Miller, who acted as matron of honor, wore pale blue nylon with a halo of blue Lilacs and carried pink Carnations.  Mr. Modrell wore a navy blue business suit.  “Bud” Miller, acting as best man, wore a grey business suit.  Each had a white Carnation boutonnieres.
            Mrs. Scott chose for her daughter’s wedding, a blue-grey nylon with white accessories.  Mrs. Modrell was dressed in [biege] with white accessories.  Each wore a corsage of pink Carnations.
Scott-Modrell Wedding Photo
            Shortly after the wedding ceremony, a reception was held in the lovely home of close friends of the bride and groom.  In the living room the arrangement for the receiving line was most beautiful with huge baskets of flowers and palms.  The bride’s table was very pretty – covered with a [corcheted] lace table cloth which the bride’s mother made as a wedding gift to her daughter.  The wedding cake was three-tier topped with a miniature bride and groom, and was surrounded by a blanket of fern and blue daisies, flanked by white candles.  After the bride cut the first piece of cake and served her husband and herself, Mrs. [Isarode] (Main) Mann, cousin of the bride, had charge of cutting the cake.  Mrs. Geneva (Beth) Jennings presided at the punch bowl.  Mrs. Wm. Scott, sister-in-law of the bride, assisted in serving of the guests.  Mrs. John Roy Johnson had charge of the guest book.  Mrs. Mattie (Main) [Laffon], cousin of the bride, assisted by an aunt, Mrs. Raymond Johnson, had charge of the beautiful as well as useful gifts.
            Mr. and Mrs. Modrell left on a two [weeks] honeymoon trip through the West.  Upon returning, they will be at home in Kansas City.  They both are employed by The Kansas City Life Ins. Co.

1 comment:

Jana Iverson Last said...


I want to let you know that your blog is listed in today's Fab Finds post at http://janasgenealogyandfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2015/04/follow-friday-fab-finds-for-april-10.html

Have a wonderful weekend!